Recession-proof your money, already.

COVID-19 clearly has taught Australians, our generally relaxed attitude to life — “she’ll be alright”, ain’t getting us through the crisis physically, mentally and financially💸.

2 min readMay 21, 2020
Young, broke and fab 😏

This is my tenth week being cooped up in my apartment, learning to cope with the anxiety and fears by starting at the walls and looking up on the net for a hopeful answer when this is going to end. Oh right — indefinitely!😕

Here’s to scrolling to see comments on facebook, I was surprised by a handful of people who could not speak of the pandemic without blaming an individual, sharing misinformation and being clichés. Hey, again, we are all in this together!🤝

It saddens me to see many of us have lost their jobs and are in the midst of financial hardship due to this coronavirus thing but please remember you can navigate through this by getting support from the government, your family and friends or even creating a gofundme project (no joke!)🚀🚀🚀

Like many of others out there, I’ve been putting aside a “good money plan” to steel ourselves for the worst case scenario.

  1. Focus on what you can control, even if it’s very little💰 — please reduce your non-essential shoppings include new clothes, new games, new phone 📱⌚️etc to the minimal as no one cares about your new designer dress right now, don’t even think of showing them off on instagram.
  2. Marie Kondo your home 👚 — keep things that spark joy, sell the rest on every online marketplace while social distancing, you might even stumble upon a forgotten gold mine, hmm like hidden wet wipes?
  3. Grow your side hustle 🚀 — this is surprisingly a perfect time for us to spice up our growth plan while the rest of the nation are in hibernation period. Then when the economy starts to bounce back, you are already prepped up!🥇
  4. Self-care 💆🏼‍♀️ — pajamas, facemask and netflix. I recommend that.

And don’t beat yourself up for not preparing better. You are not in this alone. The world has been in scary places before, and we’ve made it through.

Tell your friend and signup 📩 for early access now at 🚀😘

By CT — Head Unicorn Wrangler 😄




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